Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Christopher Newport University
The Dynamic Team Orienteering Problem is a routing problem featuring multiple 'vehicles', where all nodes are not known a priori. The nodes (locations to visit) are revealed as time passes, and all vehicles are not dispatched at the same time. For a full problem definition, see [Kirac, Milburn and Gedik]. This code is designed to help solve and verify solutions to the DTOP.
GitHub repo available upon completion of my Research Apprenticeship.This add-on arose from the repetitive nature of weightpainting models from one engine for another. Because this was a tedious, error-prone task, I wrote code to automatically redo the weights of one model given the game it was from. As of right now, this software supports reweighting Star Wars: The Old Republic, Jedi: Fallen Order, Jedi Knight, Battlefront, and Destiny 2 rigs. The default output is ValveBiped (for the Source Engine), but it also allows custom mappings.
Download ezPaint here!Incoming transfer or first-year students may not know the way around CNU's campus, but there was no official Google Maps-like app for on-campus navigation. CNU Maps helps solve that problem by providing a simple Android app that can display paths between commonly visited locations, along with dining hall menus.
Get CNU Maps here!My Senior Capstone project: a computer-aided 3D map generation tool for Valve's Source Engine. The output is in the proprietary VMF format.
Link will be here soon!I wanted to use a prop lightsaber as a video game controller. Through a combination of OpenCV tracking, AI pose detection, and some trigonometry, a webcam feed of a person moving a prop saber that's a specific color can now be used to manipulate the player's skeleton in certain games. Movements can be translated and used in games. Tested with Garry's Mod. This repository also includes scripts for activating a servo for an Arduino based on color detection, and loading saber movement data from a file through Lua.
Try it out here!The Nintendo 64 was released in 1996 in North America as a home console. Taking it on the go in the 1990s wouldn't have been possible, but it is today, largely thanks to the BitBuilt and ModRetro forums. With custom voltage regulators and a battery charging system (and dozens of wires to the relocated cartridge slot), this device lets you play all original N64 games with 100% compatibility. This also features 3D printed button slots and a speaker cover.
The Big Mouth Billy Bass was created by the Gemmy Corporation in the 1990s. In 2023, CNU students (including myself) decided to vastly improve it by creating a new internal servo system, and linking it to a webserver so that any song uploaded can be played, with the fish's movement synchronized. This leverages AI audio processing to detect phonemes, an embedded Raspberry Pi to control movement, and will include a DBMS for storage.
Selected 3D projects.